Hi, friend!

So if we were hanging out, I'd drag you to a coffee shop with a stack of books that you MUST read in my purse. (And yes, my purse is that big.) We'd gush about our favorite authors, favorite shows, cheesecake, music, and everything under the sun as we drank all the coffee the establishment had to offer.

However, most of our hanging out will probably be via the virtual world…so welcome to my virtual cozy corner! Good news is that we can still drink coffee together. ; )

A little about me…I write closed door romcoms that are full of romantic tension, snark, and written from a Christian worldview. You can check out my books HERE. I’ve been married for over a decade, and we have some amazing children. There’s also a small, crazy dog named Bard in the mix. I love, love, love to sing. I watch shows like Gilmore Girls, Friends, The Office, The Big Bang Theory, and Boy Meets World over and over, and I’m a BIG FAN of rewatch podcasts. Lastly, I try to exist on coffee.

With all that said, please take a look around and connect with me!


~ V. Joy Palmer